Following the recent election we now have five councillors. Roger Fisher, Ben Clarkson, Amanda Davis, Sandie Sullivan, Simon White
Roger Fisher elected as Chairman Simon White as Vice Chairman
Council meetings are held on the third Thursday in the months of May, September, November, January and March. With the Parish Assembly usually taking place in either March or April.
The clerk is Mrs Valerie Bennett MBE who is also our Responsible Financial Officer.
As a parish council we represent all our parishioners and aim to improve their quality of life.
We have a number of responsibilities:- we are the first point of contact for any community project, are notified and comment on any planning application or highway development in the area. We can spend money raised through the parish precept on projects and events which include all or some of our community or area. We have responsibility for seating and bus shelters. We also help and support local village organizations, our parish church St Mary Magdalene, and our village hall. The council are Custodian Trustees of the village hall and are the lessee of the village car park and are responsible for this.